Comprehensive eelgrass surveys, monitoring, mitigation, and permitting
WRA is highly attuned to the ever-changing regulatory landscape within the San Francisco Bay Area, including updates to agency preferences when it comes to eelgrass survey methods, eelgrass impact assessments, and mitigation options. Regulatory agencies know they can trust that the eelgrass survey data WRA collects are accurate. By considering eelgrass constraints throughout the life of a project, our experts can help ensure eelgrass surveys and mitigation measures are consistent across permits and with federal policy and not overly burdensome for a given project. Over the last two decades, WRA biologists have performed more than 40 eelgrass surveys to support a variety of project types and stages, including restoration, maintenance dredging, pier installation, and marina reconfiguration projects. In 2023 alone, WRA surveyed over 700 acres in San Francisco Bay and mapped over 120 acres of eelgrass beds within the estuary. In addition to the many eelgrass surveys WRA performs each year, WRA prepares eelgrass monitoring mitigation plans for projects with potential to result in impacts to eelgrass and can lead mitigation plan implementation.
Eelgrass Services:
- Eelgrass Surveys
- Eelgrass Mitigation and Monitoring Plans
- Light Monitoring
- Project Design and Implementation Recommendations
- Regulatory Permitting
Additional Services:
- Direct visual assessments by boat or kayak aided with underwater video cameras
- Sidescan sonar with the support of key teaming partners
- Drone surveys supported by WRA’s FAA-certified drone pilots
Field Notes
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We’re here to lend our expertise and help you achieve your goals.
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