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Restoration landscaping with a thoughtful approach to preserving and maintaining sensitive natural environments.

Landscape Restoration

Trained specialists restoring natural habitats

WRA Landscape Restoration Inc. is a licensed contracting business specializing in sustainable landscaping, ecological restoration, and open land management solutions in California’s unique array of native vegetation communities. Our team has experience working in sensitive habitats that support a variety of special status species and using a variety of methods to restore native landscapes. We work closely with our clients and project stakeholders to install, maintain, and monitor restoration projects to ensure attainment of habitat and regulatory goals.

WRA supports projects for public agencies, private landowners, and non-profits throughout the State. Our work helps our clients to rebuild native landscapes, craft endangered species habitats, maintain the natural values of parks and open spaces, and reduce invasive species on their lands. Our staff is regularly trained on sensitive species identification and regulations, project-specific permit conditions, and standard avoidance measures to protect sensitive resources at each job site.

Review our service pages for Restoration and Resiliency Implementation and Habitat Maintenance.

Check out project highlights on our interactive Story Map.

WRA-LR Leadership Team

Leslie Scott
Senior Restoration Project Manager
Conner Cummings, QWEL
Landscape Restoration Crew Supervisor
Ben Tinsley
Landscape Restoration Crew Supervisor


  • Licensed Landscape Contractor (C-27) #1068767
  • Pesticide Control Business #45504
  • Qualified Applicators License (QAL) #166082 Categories: B&F (Travis Claeys)
  • Qualified Water Efficient Landscaper (QWEL) #4770 (Conner Cummings)

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