Our Projects
Sign Hill Open Space Master Plan

WRA supported the City of South San Francisco’s Parks and Recreation Department to prepare a master plan for the City’s 65-acre open space area, Sign Hill. WRA prepared an existing conditions report for the biological communities including multiple special status species found on site and incorporating changes from recent habitat restoration efforts. WRA assisted Gates + Associates and the City with multiple rounds of online and in-person public engagement events including a pop-up event and workshop. Both City staff and the public were interested in improving the condition of Sign Hill’s 2 miles of trails. WRA conducted a trail condition assessment to understand the locations and extent of erosion which informed WRA’s development of trail improvement recommendations including conceptual trail alignments. WRA worked closely with the Parks Manager and Natural Resource Specialist to develop trail alignments that complement and protect recommended future habitat restoration areas and provide experiences desired by the public. WRA also conducted a visitation assessment to understand how many visits Sign Hill receives and the distribution between the open space area’s three designated trailheads to provide tailored recommendations for trailhead improvement and place-making. The Sign Hill Master Plan incorporated all these components to provide management actions centered around special status species habitat restoration, trail condition improvements, maintenance of historic letters, improving visitor experiences, and increasing wildfire resiliency for which WRA collaborated with the City to create a 10-year implementation matrix. WRA presented project updates and the Sign Hill Master Plan to the Parks and Recreation Commission and the final plan to city council for adoption in October 2023.
Project Specifics
Project Partners
Detailed Services
• Trail Condition Assessment
• Visitation Assessment
• Biological Resources Assessment