We are passionate about restoring healthy landscapes using nature-based solutions.

Ecological Restoration

Interdisciplinary Collaboration
Our interdisciplinary team of restoration professionals includes engineers, landscape architects, restoration ecologists, fluvial geomorphologists, fisheries and wildlife biologists, botanists, and permitting specialists. We bring together all the necessary disciplines for our restoration projects to ensure we efficiently design, permit, and implement effective and lasting projects. This collaboration allows us to holistically evaluate the landscape setting, watershed conditions, historical ecology, past and current land use, site constraints, and potential changes from climate change to develop a customized restoration approach for each project that achieves the desired ecological outcomes. As the science and practice of ecological restoration develops, we are also incorporating new techniques, research, and tools.
We assist our clients with a full array of services including:
Restoration Ecology & Design
- River & floodplain process improvements
- Beaver dam analogs & post-assisted log structures
- Estuary & tidal wetland restoration
- Living shoreline design
- Wet meadow restoration
- Riparian revegetation
- Restoration feasibility analysis
- Seasonal wetland & vernal pool design
- UAV surveys & mapping
Hydrologic & Hydraulic Analysis
- Surface & groundwater monitoring
- HEC-HMS hydrologic modeling
- HEC-RAS hydraulic modeling
- Sea level rise analysis
Wildlife & Fisheries
- Fish passage improvements
- eDNA, electrofishing, and seine surveying
- Translocation planning
- Surveying & habitat design for special-status species
Construction & Monitoring
- Bid- and construction-phase services
- Performance monitoring
- Construction monitoring
Other Support Services
- Restoration permitting
- Mitigation bank entitlement
- Restoration grant writing
Process-based Approach
Our approach to ecological restoration centers on restoring processes to maintain functional and resilient ecosystems. Restoring processes such as sediment transport, natural inundation regimes, wood and native vegetation recruitment, groundwater recharge, and nutrient cycling is important in sustaining restored ecosystems over time without the need for extensive future interventions. While restoring ecological processes is key to our restoration approach across all landscapes, we are experienced in balancing other objectives such as flood control and infrastructure protection for multi-benefit projects.
Habitat Expertise
Our team of restoration experts have decades of experience working in a variety of ecosystems across the Western U.S. including coastal rivers and estuaries, streams, riparian woodlands, tidal marshes, vernal pool complexes, oak woodlands, coastal sage scrub, wet meadows, and dry washes. We understand the unique ecology of each of these environments and the species that depend on them. Our biologists also have specialized knowledge in many special-status species and their habitat needs throughout their life history including coho and Chinook salmon, steelhead, Delta smelt, Ridgway’s rail, salt marsh harvest mouse, giant garter snake, California tiger salamander, California red-legged frog, burrowing owl, and Swainson’s hawk.
Even when things get messy, we have the tenacity to push through. We offer niche services with an integrated team of experts to tackle even the most challenging environmental issues.
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We’re here to lend our expertise and help you achieve your goals.

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