Our Projects
Napa Cove Apartments Project

Napa Cove Apartments has been designed to address the City of American Canyon’s need for affordable multi-family housing. The design effort has been significant in adhering to the city’s zoning regulations, Broadway District Special Plan (BDSP) design guidelines, and local ordinances regarding native and endangered species and has made every effort to preserve existing environmental conditions and propose a development that addresses the City’s affordable living requirements. The project site is comprised of three adjacent vacant parcels that are approximately 3.5 acres in size, and is considered part of the BDSP area within the City of American Canyon and is surrounded by commercial and residential development.
The proposed project consists of development of a 66-unit affordable family apartment complex with common areas, parking areas, and landscaping as well as a separate community building with a rental office, computer lab and open space for communal use. Once placed in service the Napa Cove Apartments community will provide housing for 66 individuals and families with incomes at or below 30% to 80% of the area median income.
WRA performed a biological site assessment and accompanying biological technical report to support the CEQA process by addressing Appendix G of the CEQA checklist through an analysis of existing biological conditions, Project-related impacts, and potential mitigation.
An EIR was previously prepared to evaluate the potential environmental impacts associated with the implementation of the BDSP. The EIR was certified in 2019. WRA proposed two alternatives (CEQA Section 15183 Exemption and Addendum to BDSP EIR) to the City and developer, and concluded that preparation of an Addendum to the EIR would be the best option because the project would result in minor modifications to the BDSP design guidelines. The Addendum includes an analysis of the environmental impacts of the minor modifications to the BDSP development standards, and an overall conclusion. Technical reports from the applicant were also used to prepare the Addendum (e.g., traffic, noise, cultural resources, and Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments). WRA completed the Addendum within a month. The project design permit plans, Addendum to BDSP EIR and applicant’s confirmation of Conditionals of Approval were approved by the City’s Planning Commission in December 2021.
In addition, the project applicant is seeking funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Therefore, the project is subject to HUD environmental regulations in 24 CFR Parts 50 and 58. WRA prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA)/Finding of No significant Impact (FONSI) pursuant to HUD Part 58 for the project. The EA/FONSI was published for public review in January 2022. Construction began in 2022.
Project Specifics
Project Partners
Detailed Services
CEQA Level Biological Site Assessment
Biological Technical Report