Our Projects
Coyote Valley Conservation Area Master Plan

WRA is part of a large interdisciplinary team collaborating on the development of the Coyote Valley Conservation Areas Master Plan (CVCAMP). The Plan is being prepared in collaboration with the Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority (OSA), Peninsula Open Space Trust, and the City of San Jose for parcels that have been acquired in the Coyote Valley. These undeveloped parcels in Coyote Valley are located between the cities of San Jose and Morgan Hill on the valley floor between the Santa Cruz and Diablo Mountain ranges. CVCAMP will provide a roadmap for the management of conserved lands to act as a key corridor for wildlife to traverse the valley, linkages for local and regional trails, and connections for local agriculture and economic engines.
WRA is offering strategic planning support for wildlife movement issues and public access, two of the major challenges that the CVCAMP must address. WRA has evaluated previous planning efforts and studied the existing conditions of nature-based recreation in the region through an inventory of regional sites, visitor counts, and surveys. WRA also assessed gaps in existing wildlife studies and supported the development of plan goals and objectives. As the planning process continues, WRA will continue to advise on the multi-benefit planning of conservation areas to protect wildlife and provide public access. Balancing these activities will be accomplished by close coordination with the project team and with public engagement. WRA will provide input into plan alternatives that optimize multiple benefits and advise on environmental compliance strategies to expedite plan implementation.
Project Specifics
Detailed Services
• Visitor use counts
• Visitor surveys
• Public use assessment and inventory
• Wildlife survey