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Camp Tamarancho Bicycle Trails CEQA and Permitting

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WRA is supporting the Marin Council Scouts of America (Scouts) to undertake environmental permitting for the renowned Tamarancho mountain bike trail. Tamarancho is a unique recreational asset in the Bay Area as it spans 411 acres and provides a large portion of legal single-track mountain biking trails for the region. The Scouts are preparing repairs to existing trail segments and construction of a new trail segment called Caballo Rojo. The project is a major collaborative effort and WRA has been working in partnership with Scouts, Access for Bikes, and the County of Marin Department of Public Works (DPW) since 2015. The property is privately owned and has required establishing use agreements between the City of Fairfax and its neighbors.

In Phase 1, WRA conducted a thorough review of county violations related to the origination of CEQA document, engaged in strategic planning and outreach efforts, negotiated agreements, and managed crucial document preparation and submission. This included coordinating with agencies such as the Army Corps of Engineers, SFRWQCB, CDFW, and Marin County DPW. Phase 2 focused on encompassing biological assessments, trail realignment projects, and wetland impact evaluations for the Tamarancho Mountain Bike Trail System. The project team is currently working on Phase 3, in which WRA is navigating the Caballo Rojo Design Review and CEQA process, addressing data requests, preparing wetland enhancement plans, and overseeing the permitting process, including third-party preparation of CEQA Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) and consultations for amendments and permitting.


Project Specifics

Detailed Services

• Biological Resources Technical Report
• Arborist Report
• County Design Review
• Wetland Enhancement Plan
• CEQA IS/MND Project Description and Technical Support
• Regulatory Permitting (Army Corps, CDFW, and RWQCB)
• Trail Design, including bridges and boardwalks
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