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Carrington Coast Ranch Master Plan

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The stunning and dynamic 335-acre Carrington Coast Ranch offers views of the coastline and ocean. The property, which is part of the historic homelands of the Coast Miwok, was purchased by Sonoma County Agricultural Preservation and Open Space District (Ag + Open Space) in 2003 and includes a homestead dating back to the mid-1800’s. In 2021, Ag + Open Space transferred the property to Regional Parks. This land will eventually open to the public as a Regional Park and Open Space Preserve along the Sonoma Coast in the Coastal Zone, just north of Salmon Creek. The ranch is primarily open grassland, which affords spectacular views of the ocean, while also sequestering carbon to help mitigate the effects of climate change. The site is also home to several special-status species, including the Townsend big-eared bat, California red-legged frog (CRLF), and American badger. In addition to its vast ecological value, the open grasslands of the preserve make it a great place for public recreation and exploration, and the park will eventually incorporate a critical portion of the California Coastal Trail.

WRA is preparing a Master Plan and CEQA package to guide the development of Carrington Coast Ranch into a Regional Park and Open Space Preserve which will provide recreation while minimizing impacts to sensitive biological habitats and species, protecting cultural resources, maintaining views along Highway 1, and providing for safe ingress and egress to the property. The Master Plan will include conceptual designs for trail alignments, day use, and overnight facilities as well as a RMP to protect the unique habitats and sensitive species. To support the Master Plan, WRA is preparing a camping feasibility study to examine the opportunities and constraints for overnight use. WRA is also updating the BRA through rare plant surveys. In addition, WRA is coordinating and supporting multiple technical studies including cultural resources, traffic, and water/wastewater which will inform the conceptual designs and support the CEQA analysis. In 2023, WRA supported an initial public engagement process to inform recreation preferences to be considered as part of the Master Plan. This included the creation and maintenance of an interactive project website that will continue to be updated as the project progresses. In 2024, WRA is developing the Master Plan and the RMP component while incorporating a Grazing Management Plan from Regional Parks. Upon completion of the draft Master Plan, WRA will prepare an IS/MND for CEQA compliance.


Project Specifics

Detailed Services

• Open Space Master Planning
• Biological Studies
• Biological Resources Assessment
• Environmental Permitting
• Wetland Delineation
• Conceptual Site Plan Alternatives
• Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
• Project Coordination
• Public Outreach (Virtual and In-Person)
• Resource Management Plan
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